Sunday, July 8, 2012

Challenge Cups

I am a firm believer in having goals for my students. I LOVE setting up goals with them and having that conversation about what they think they need to work on. The first time I tried this, I was shocked at how thoughtfully my students decided what they needed to work on. As a result, we had goal anchor charts all over our classroom for reading and writing and each child had their own goal folder for math. This year, I've decided to keep all of those goal setting ideas in place and add in something a little different! Last year I noticed that some of my students ran out of steam working on the same goal for reading and so on and tended to get a little frustrated. So, this year I am going to try something new! I've seen these all over the place, these brain break sticks, I am going to adapt the idea just a tad to spice things up! I made these 2 challenge cups, that I plan on keeping on a "challenge" table with all the materials they will need to complete each one. One cup will be literacy based, the other will be math based. The sticks have basic challenges to start (because it is the beginning of the year in kindergarten) but as the year goes on, I will add new challenges and make them more difficult! As, you can see, these are nothing fancy, but I think they will certainly serve their purpose!

~Ms. Christy

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